I didn't realise that darkness promotes creativity. This may explain my increasing deep felt need to rise early when it's still dark and to begin my morning ritual and creative time. Despite others thinking I am completely mad, over the last couple of years I wake naturally at 4.30 and get up at 5am. I write just with the lowest light of my laptop. Once the day brightens and everyone else wakes up and life gets busy I lose that spark. I just love this time. It is my soul time before the clutter of the brain takes over. It is the Being rather than the Doing. Thanks for the article Nir. :-). Jo

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I’ve written some of my better poetry just as I’ve gotten comfortable in bed. Sometimes two or three lines will come to me in such a clear and rhythmic flow that I know I need to write them down immediately. At that point I am highly motivated (and naturally high) so I begin writing automatically, seeing how far my semi-conscious thoughts take me until I find I need to consciously concentrate on continuing.

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Love this article!!! I often think of 2-3 things to record as I’m settling into sleep. My most lucid creative thoughts come in that haze between sleep and waking. Thank you for the science behind my bedtime madness.

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In medieval times, biphasic sleep was common. That time between first sleep, usually around midnight to 2 am, and second sleep was thought of as being particularly productive. Much of "Canterbury Tales" revolved around great personal revalations during that time.

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I used to regularly get up in the middle of the night, write for 45 minutes, to the minute, during which time any problems got solved, any insights surfaced. I could flop back in the bed, and immediately sleep peacefully, rather than toss and turn. When I learned that it was not good to expose myself to light in the middle of the night, I merely switched my phone onto Amber mode, and now dictate my thoughts until I’m ready to return to sleep.

My theory is that the 45-minute nocturnal sessions may occur because our brains are said to shift hemisphere dominance every 45 minutes. Could it be that I awaken when I get “stuck“ in one hemisphere and that writing helps it shift over???

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I have two children to look after and I am regularly beyond bored, which now I have read this makes me wonder if this is why I feel so creative in Motherhood? An interesting thought!

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Disagree with term boredom. Too negative. Day dreaming perhaps?

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I would encourage you to ask yourself why you interpret the term boredom as negative.

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Try smoking a little weed before you lay down if you want to amplify the insights you get!

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It's crucial to always have at hand whatever you feel comfortable taking notes on, whether it's your phone or a notebook. Those sneaky bits of brilliance can slip like water between your hands in the seconds it takes for you to get up and go grab pen and paper somewhere else...

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So true. The amount of times in the night I’ve said to myself, I’ll remember. I never do.

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This is an incisive piece that captures inate creativity that is awakened when we lay our heads to rest at the night. I'm use to keeping a small jotter and pen that are handy to write down the flow of ideas ans/or flickers of thoughts that usually drop during the nightly hours or early morning.. Thank you for this profound article. Many thanks.

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This is a big vote on my working out, running, walking and biking without audio input. Really helps distill thinking

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For me it’s that 2 to 4 am wake-up which is often extended while my mind introduces and then works through a theme, some are pretty good (I’m working one out now) but sometimes I really would rather just have the sleep!

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I get a lot of ideas while driving, particularly in the morning. I don’t listen to music or radio on the way to work and work out story elements during that time, then write them later. This makes me think of why I’m up late so much. Part of it is revenge bedtime procrastination, but the other is the quiet and relaxed mental state I have in the morning with free hands.

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I often find ideas come when I'm trying to sleep. I used to curse it but now I call it a creative surge, hop out of bed and scribble down a note. It might happen two or three times in a row, hence the name surge.

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Fully agreed that mind generates ideas at night or early in the morning. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and insights on this important topic!

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Ahhh... Is this why I have always felt most alive at night? Thanks for the insights!

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